Sep 18, 2011

Getting to Know the Author

Hi! As you probably already know, my name is Michelle and I'm a student at the University of Florida. I'm a third year telecommunications major specializing in News. I'm originally from Miami, Florida and even though I grew up surrounded my Hurricane fans, I've always been a Gator girl. My interests include dancing (I've danced since the age of three and still continue today with a club team at school) and watching sports. I hope to eventually have a career in sports media, working either for a sports broadcasting company or a professional franchise. Although I'm in the communications field, this is my very first blog ever so I hope you all enjoy it!
The idea behind my blog came from the F Book given to all freshmen at the University of Florida. Every week we as students take part in UF traditions, but we might not necessarily take the time to record these memorable events. I'm starting this blog as a way to record and organize my Florida memories, especially with graduation quickly approaching. I hope that readers will be motivated to start recording their memories along the way. As a little motivation to completing these countless traditions, the alumni association awards students who record their traditions with special pins and even a medal for graduation. Here's a link with all the info if you want to become an official UF Tradition Keeper.  But if you're not a student or just like to live vicariously through others, I'll be completing as many traditions as I can throughout the semester and maybe even create my own traditions along the way.