Feb 15, 2013

James "Rhio" O'Connor Memorial Scholarship Essay

In October of 2001, James Rhio O’Connor was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma at the age of 61. He was told he would less than a year to live and that surgery would not be an option because of the location of his tumor. He was also told that chemotherapy would only lessen his quality of life and not provide many benefits. Faced with such heartbreaking and shocking news, Rhio did not let this bring down his spirits or bring his life to a halt. Rather, he decided to take action and do an intense amount of research on the disease that was threatening his life.
            Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease in which mesothelium cells become abnormal and divide without control or order. Each year in the United States, there are over 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma, and studies have shown that white males are most prone to the disease. Most of these cases, including that of Rhio, are due to the exposure of asbestos. Asbestos generates from specific mineral groups and is often found in construction and fireproof materials.
            When I first read about Rhio’s story, I was so amazed and inspired by his reaction. Often times when we know of someone who has been diagnosed with cancer, they either begin the treatment recommended by their doctor right away, or they begin living their life with an expiration date in mind. Instead, Rhio decided he would take initiative and find ways to prolong his life, rather than simply enjoy what time he was given.  I think it takes an unbelievable amount of courage to and faith to stare death in the face and not let such paralyzing news affect one’s life. What I find even more inspiring is how he took the time to share his story with others as opposed to simply spending time enjoying his life. His book, They Said Months, I Chose Years: A Mesothelioma Survivor's Story, is a moving story for anyone faced with a dire cancer prognosis.
            Rhio’s inspiring story will motivate me to take similar actions if faced with the same challenges. Initially, I know the shocking news will lead me to seek comfort from family and close friends. However, I would not let a cancer prognosis stop me from living my life. More importantly, I would focus on adding years to the amount of time I am given. I would begin my research online, focusing on organizations and universities with extensive amounts of credible research. Some examples include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Cancer Society, National Institutes of Health, and even Google Scholar.  I would then begin seeking advice from doctors around the country who specialize in the kind of cancer I am diagnosed with. Through several consultations, I will be able to accumulate a variety of opinions and alternative treatments. I think it is also important to take advantage of personal connections in situations like these. Between family and friends, several people are likely to have connections or know someone who knows someone who either dealt with a similar situation or is educated in this field.
            After collecting the research, discussing all possible options with loved ones, and considering financial circumstances, I would choose the best available treatment that is suitable for my situation. I would definitely look beyond the standard chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical options if they had little or nothing to offer in prolonging my life. Alternative treatments should be available to any patients who are willing to try them. I believe they are well worth considering and utilizing as an option. Personally, I believe that if a new treatment has the potential to provide a longer or healthier life, it is worth trying. If I am a cancer patient given a death sentence, what’s the worst that can happen? Even if the alternative treatments don’t work, doctors and other patients will be able to use my case as an example for further research in developing the treatment.
            I think more research and better availability of alternative treatments is necessary to improve progress in curing and preventing cancer, as well as giving people the greatest chance of survival. If more patients can participate in alternative approaches, then more cases will be available to researchers. However, none of this would be possible without the proper funding. Whether it is government funds, or organizational or private grants, every little bit towards cancer research helps. At the beginning of 2012, the American Cancer Society estimated that 1,638,910 people would be diagnosed with cancer that year. In addition to this amount, 577,190 were expected to die of cancer. This is an astounding number of lives, and something must be done to help find a cure.
            I believe James Rhio O’Connor is a hero for those who have faced life-altering challenges. His motivation, determination, passion, and faith, is something I could only hope to exemplify in life. Surviving with mesothelioma for more than seven years, when he was told he would have less than a year to live, is truly extraordinary. Rhio’s story is one to be shared for many years to come.

I'm Back!

Undergrad Graduation- 2012!
So I know it base been over a year since I last posted about the wonderful traditions that the University of Florida has to offer, and I must apologize. I got a little caught up with senior projects, graduation festivities, and applying to graduate school. But I am very happy to say that I am still a Gator!

Since last August, I have been in grad school here at UF and working hard towards another UF diploma- a Master's in Public Relations! Don't worry, I have still been taking part in countless UF traditions and will continue sharing my stories. However grad school is very different from undergrad, so please forgive me if I take a little bit longer between posts. Not only is graduate school a lot more work, it's A LOT more expensive!

Fortunately, I've been spending a lot of time research scholarships and my next post will be an essay I wrote for a very prestigious scholarship- the James "Rhio" O'Connor Memorial Scholarship. It truly is an inspiring story so I hope you all read it and enjoy!