Mar 19, 2012

Got Jobs?

It's hard to believe that graduation is only a month and a half away. It's such a bittersweet feeling to know that you're almost done with all the classes, assignments, projects and exams, but at the same time, you will be leaving so many friends who have become family in the past four years. Students may also feel rushed to accomplish everything on their college bucket list- including the countless UF traditions. But this time also reminds us of the short-coming "Real World." Job applications are on nearly every senior's mind these days. Luckily, I will be attending grad school next year so I can put the job searching off for a bit. However, I have am still applying for summer jobs and internships so I've had to keep my resume up-to-date. I'm hoping that all the connections I've made through internships will benefit me once I finish my Master's. But until then, I'm looking forward to enjoying my last few weeks as an undergrad here at UF.

1 comment:

  1. First off your graduation count down frightens me! I already know its soon, but knowing down to the second when I have to leave Gainesville and enter the real world is quite intimidating!! haha But on that note I have loved getting to know you better during our news shifts and I love your blog! I am trying to get in as many Gville traditions as possible before I graduate and move so it's great to see what I have done and what I still have to get to!
